
Ravin Shooters Page

Vitalize your bow

This page lists the upgrade options we do here at the shop on Ravin Bows. Please note some of or all of the options here may void your warranty. For those who may be out of warranty or just have interest in upgrading your Ravin bow this is the place as we handle strings, arrows, scopes, Titanium kits, Limb suppression, Scope data collection, Areo Rest and more.

We provide the also provide string and cable replacement to the Do it yourself crowd and/or if you would like installation.

  • For ordering or to set up a phone call , email

  • vitallimits@gmail.com

  • Please be aware that if shipping a bow in for work that payment must be made before any of the work is started and/or the parts ordered.

  • When shipping a bow in for work please provide pre-paid shipping label. If not additional handling fees will apply. See recommended link to create shipping label. https://www.ups.com/ship/basic/shipment-info?tx=13679777895240378&loc=en_US

ATTENTION: Those who drop bows off for service without a box and later decide to have the bow shipped, you will be responsible for supplying a box, any packing, tape and prepaid label based on dimensions also sourced by you.

Titanium axle and Titanium Limb tip screws shown

New option for 2024:

Get your limb tip screws on the cam side and factory limb axles removed to be replaced with Titanium axles and Titanium limb tip screws for $149.95 , installation and labor. ( 2 Ti axles and 4 total Ti limb tip screws.) Sales tax and shipping may apply.







email vitallimits@gmail.com
All prices are subject to shipping unless otherwise noted. Also all prices are subject to sales tax in NJ since we have a NJ Location.

Thorn HPX Broad-heads.

Thorn HPX Broad-heads.

Thorn HPX Broad heads 100gn or 125gn options

1 pack (3 heads) $69.95 + $7.00 for shipping

3 packs (9 heads) $195.00 TYD Anywhere in Lower US48.

If ordering arrow builds to get heads in with arrow order pay $64.95 per pack ( 3 heads )

Recommend for use with AV2 Vanes

Cable Bracket Pulley system

Cable Bracket Pulley system

The Cable Bracket Pulley system:
1. Eliminate 2 cables.
2. The 2 cables being longer takes up more shock and can be more forgiving with timing.
3. There is open not served spots on the cable so that you can add or take away twist to fine tune if needed.
4. Cables from Vital Limits will have all served loop ends which we believe makes for a more stable string.
5. Outside of the cables being longer the bow will still be within general spec thus launch speed should be approx. the same pending some minimal differences in “a new string and cable set ” .

Price includes 2 brackets, 4 bracket Titanium Screws ( must use high strength thread lock not included), 2 cables, 1 string.
$279.95 TYD Anywhere in the lower US48states.
Installed by us in Shop ( parts and labor ) $345.00 plus shipping cost of the bow.
Just cables and brackets $250.00 TYD Anywhere in the lower US48.

Installation from us includes we check the bow limbs / limb pockets for any visible damages. We clean cam tracks out, install and put the bow through a 3 shot test fire to make sure the bow is functional before it leaves the shop.

2 bolts for weights not shown.

2 bolts for weights not shown.

Cross Bow Stabilizing system

Base kit as shown on above Ravin R15
4.75 inch bars
1oz and 2oz weight each side.
Hollow titanium hardware on knuckles
Quick connects

$287.00 plus $7 shipping anywhere in lower US 48States. Sales tax if in NJ.

Standard 4 cable System

Standard 4 cable System

Standard string and cable spec.
If you want the standard string and cable spec from us in aftermarket we offer that too.
Price $130.00TYD anywhere in the lower US48.
Installed by us in shop parts and labor $180.00

Installation from us includes we check the bow limbs / limb pockets for any visible damages. We clean cam tracks out, install and put the bow through a 3 shot test fire to make sure the bow is functional before it leaves the shop.

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Bolt loader
$17.99 + Shipping
In with an Arrow order $15.99



The biggest advantage in the bow is the arrow build. Once the arrow leaves the bow / shooter it’s on it’s own to the target and recovery is the name of the game and how it performs down range delivering it’s energy to the target while accurate. We have numerouse builds and can customize from there, but we get asked all the time “ what do you recomend for my bow ” So, I will give list. Our MONSTER X build line is out most popular , Nimitz is our top of the line builds and we also build on the Black Eagle Shafts. If you don’t see that mentioned it doesn’t me we don’t recommenced , but we are going with what is common selection which is from the MONSTER X line.

Ravin R9/10/26.
BADASS-X for deer type game, The Ultra X if shooting deer/hogs. The difference in the bolts is the Ultra is a Stainless insert while the BADASS is brass. Both of the build have Aero Concept system and very competitively priced for their given components. The MONSTER X while not being a concept build the shaft is a approx a 12gpi shaft and has an 90+gn SS reverse taper insert.

R15, 20,26, 29, 29X.. As already mentioned the Ultra and BADASS X builds, but don’t be shy on getting the BIG PIG X especially for those who like a heavier build. The BIG PIG X with SS insert and Concept tube runs about 150gn of components as an alternative to this the KONG X build which runs a 75gn insert with 8 inches of tube. For those considering an African Plains game build and/or what some really heavy we have the MONSTER-CX with a MONSTER SS Double Shoulder Insert and 8inch heavy wall tube in a starting length of 22inches to go to 26 inch stick we can run in that 600gn area based on a 100gr point..

Please check throughout the different build pages for pricing and other details of the builds.

Other benefits of our builds
1. Better ballistic launch co-efficiency
2. Small cross wind signature ( column of air coming off the arrow generated but spin )
3. Low Speed Airfoil designed vanes that generated lift as well as faster spin rates that further aide gyroscopic precession which produces angular torque. Simply said it helps the arrow shoot flatter.
4. Vanes are designed after an owls wing, the AV2 and AV3 and VERY quiet in flight.
5. Firenock end nock ( non lit ) is a standard in our builds, We feel this is the best nock on the current market.
6. All our builds brass or Stainless will have reverse tapered inserts, this as as good as it gets inserts. Strength and alignment.
7. Most of our builds our built with Aero Concept tube and Double should insert. This offers much faster recovery and a double wall up front for the first several+ inched pending build option.

Aero Rest Standard with bubble, most common rest we sell / install.

Aero Rest Standard with bubble, most common rest we sell / install.

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Aero Rest with Raised sight hole for extreme close range shots that you can’t get the scope on..

Aero Rest Micro Coming Soon.

Aero Rest Micro Coming Soon.

Aero Micro Ravin

Aero Micro Ravin

The Aero Rest is a 3 finger controlled dampening rest with ceramic bearing that are good for a couple million plus shots. This is a tune-bale rest vs the 2 nylon bear not tune-able factory rest that can wear out / flat spot in as little as under 80 shots. When we start putting heavy arrows on expeially for Afrrican game the Aero Rest will work in holding the arrow weight. The Aero Rest should really be on when shooting arrows 440-450gn +

Standard Aero Rest with bubble $156.00 TYD Anywhere in Lower US48 States. ( without shipping / in with other items $149.95)
Aero Rest with bubble and close Range circle $179.00 TYD Anywhere in the Lower US48 States

Micro Aero Rest coming soon. $299.95 , As of right now this rest are only to be sold in shop for shop install only for custom fit. Fit /installation process is $75.00

If you send us your Ravin for upgrades we install the Standard Rest with Bubble for $185.00 labor and part
The Aero Rest with close shot circle and bubble $200.00 labor and part.

R9,R15,R20,R29,R29X require a 22 inch bolt with Aero Rest. R10, R26 will with a 20inch bolt. 21 inch is my recommendation in R10 models.

Firenock Lit nocks

Firenock Lit nocks

We build with Firenock end nocks ( non lit ) as a standard. We don’t even offer another nock because that would be like car builder offering to put Prius tires on a SF90 Stradale as an option. That being said we solely use Firenock Lighted nock functions. This can be a learning curve at first as there is a lot of tech in these lit functions / nocks. They are virgin flow , signal cavity injection flow made. We have battery options to allow the shooter to hunt in -50 below zero temps if needed for additional pricing. The lit nocks weight adds approx 20gn, but is seated further up in the shaft which minimizes the weight effect over some other manufactured nocks even if they are lesser weight. And unlike other nocks that the entire nock “ moves ” to activate which causes a mini dry fire the Firenock is stationary and operates on G-force within it’s computer based circuit system.

We install the end cap here at the shop as an option and sent the lit functions with the order with video examples to help the shooter out on finishing the install. We can not install the lit not without running risk of ignition during shipping and you ending up with a dead battery when you get the arrows. Be sure to check arrows that have end caps installed in them for lit nocks, installing a lit function in an arrow without an end will result in damage. There is a 30 day unconditional warranty unless lost that you can return damaged circuits. After 30 days you must send back to manufacture direct for manufactures warranty.

Our Standard pricing on Lit Functions on our builds are $26.00 per arrow extra.
Includes End cap installed, circuit ( solid lit, blinking or target ) , standard battery. ( the end nock already comes with the built arrow ). If you shoot factory Ravin Strings C nock is recommended , if you shoot custom cables with .130-135 center serve spec than U nock is the ticket and what we recommend to be more of an ideal combo. We do also offer the Firenocks incomplete hunting packs with glue for those who want to do the total install themselves, Please see Firenock Light Nock section on this website and also see that page for further instructional details.
( Videos are coming on lit nock installs and trouble shooting )

Titanium kits.

Titanium kits.

The Titanium advantage.

1. Titanium as a material itself over the standard will dampen resonant vibration, faster..
2. Beings Titanium is less weight ( 50-70% ) resonant vibration can’t resonate in what is not there hence vibration is canceled.
3. You get a cleaner transfer of energy during the shot. For those seeking every advantage they can out of their bow the Titanium kits compliments it well and when doing all the upgrades the benefits over lap.

Installed with kits are $285.00 plus shipping on any hardware available and that we can extract and replace from bow. Some hardware may be more economical to be left in vs the expense of a machine shop. Some of the factory hardware we have found to strip easily even with good tools do to excessive thread lock from factory used.

Standard spec After market String and cables / Ti kit combo $399.95 plus shipping. Labor and material.
Titanium axles $65.00 installed.
Titanium Kit. $170.00 TYD anywhere in the lower US48 states ( will include copper base anti seize ) Ti Axles with kit add $35.00
Ti Axles only $55.00 TYD Anywhere in the Lower US48 States.

Please note, the any hardware that we replace , the old hardware ( screws, bolts, nuts etc) replaced becomes property of Vital Limits, this included the factory rest. Also we do are best to work within the price indicated on installation, however do to manufactures using excessive loc-tite and lesser quality hardware the shop only replaces what hardware it can get out within a reason time without charging additional cost. Normally the 2 cam screws give us a problem and we do not even mess with them since they are also one of the more critical pieces for something to go wrong when trying to remove.

Titanium Limb Saver Broad Band

Titanium Limb Saver Broad Band

The best way we found to dampen the limb is with Limb Saver Broad Bands with Titanium hardware screw.

These clamp down and help sync the 2 limbs while dampening the limb. Limb suppression despite many photos of people putting dampeners closer to limb pockets the more ideal place is closer to the cam where the action is.

$35 installed at the shop
$39.00 TYD Anywhere in the lower US48 separately.

Scope lapping fee is is Generally $75.00 on scopes and scope rings purchased from Vital Limits. Prices may be different pending application.

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For prices on Cross Bow Scopes please contact Vital Limits at vitallimits@gmail.com

Dialing in your bow for data collection service option for those who want us to take a lot of the initial leg work out for them.

What we recommend doing. Since shooters can differ even with the same set up varying from shooter to shooter we recommended that if you want us to collect data for the scope and arrow the we use the factory turret lines it comes with. What we would do is shoot the bow in using those marks. After that; when you get the bow and confirm and/or fine tune adjust scope turret to your shooting style then take the confirmed final data and you send the data to Huskemaw or distribution center of Huskemaw to have a custom turret etched for you.

In data collection just like any other time shooting a bow things can happen, arrows can break, bows can break and that expense is on the customer, but note we do our best to care of the equipment from bench to target.

Zero Scope — at 30yrds $100.00
Data Collection 20 - 50yrds $300.00
Data Collection 20 - 80yrds $400.00
Data Collection 20 - 100yrds $600.00

Turret etching being and if any additional cost required is responsibility of shooter with Huskemaw Direct.

Prices are based on Huskemaw scope purchased through Vital Limits and with our arrow builds. Anything else maybe additional costs.

( note that some of the arrow builds may zero out at 30yrds even when shooting 20yrds. )