Concept System with Brass double shoulder insert.
Concept system carbon tube.
The concept system is a patent design from Firenock. It consist of a carbon inner tube and a double shoulder insert that seats inner tube and also seats on arrow. Tubes are commonly sold in 6 inch length plus insert length.
The concept system is to help stabilize the arrow minimizing oscillation making for better retained energy down range to target where it's needed. The concept system also help dampen errors that can happen during launch cycle of bow by making for a more forgivable shot.
Q's & A's
* Is this just an arrow tube?
No, this is specially designed tubing to allow to work within a tolerance for glue method procedure, also the tube do not have finish coatings so during installation we have better adhesion.
* Can you make the tubes different lengths?
Yes, we can cut the tubes, but from our experience and testing results the 6 inch tube being more weight actually shot flatter in M. A. P. ( Maximum Arrow Peak ) this is a short term in how we look at the greatest flat trajectory of an arrow very little to no loss in impact height on initial pin.
* Can a long metal insert do the same thing?
There are some manufactures out there that try to side step the patent with use of metal insert on the longer side, but so far we have not seen any metal insert design that functions like this. The carbon inner tubing while meant to help stiffen the frontal area of the shaft it is also designed to work in conjunction with each other. The glue also helps not only as an adhesive, but offer a degree of elasticity between the shaft and the carbon inner tube. Metal inserts do make the shaft stiff, but does not work with the shaft instead it would function more or less like a big insert not acting as one with the arrow. If the metal were to ever start flexing as a rule of thumb we all know what happen to metal after it keeps getting bent back and forth, it breaks. If you have a long metal insert say for example 5 inches on a 25 inch arrow or bolt essentially you have a 20 inch arrow and 5 inch broad head / point.
* Will this help or make me more accurate?
We particularity feel that this is a big deal for many shooters that may not have top pro ability in shooting and tuning and or use of high speed high dollar cameras to help perfect launch and or arrow flight. Yes this product could be better accuracy enhancing for a shooter, since the arrow is stabilized better less error can occur. It's a more efficient and forgivable system.
* I'm just a hunter, Is this system only for long range and or target shooters?
NO,, after finding out how valuable Aero concept was in the target shaft thoughts were quickly in process by Firenock to make one for standard shafts for the hunting world. Not only is there benefits of long range, but extreme close range too.. The arrow is stabilized better to the point that the major oscillation that can occur in a shaft out to 15-20yrds+ is minimized down to as little as 9-15 ft pending tune. That makes for more ideal AOA ( angel of attack ) on broad head since every time your arrow flex the point impact changes direction even though flow direction is still the same, meaning otherwise on close shots even at 15-20 yrds your broad head instead of hitting straight in it hits with x percentage amount of the side of the head, like trying to hammer a nail in wood holding the nail crooked, you will likely have a smashed thumb and the nail may go flying in the air.. You may of or heard of a deer getting shot at close range and arrow only going in a few inches,, now you know what that may be from.. The concept tubes now are also available for .202ID shafts also..
* Are they durable?
Yes this is reinforcing the front of the shaft, is it indestructible, no. Keep in mind with this system you will be likely hitting harder, more energy is being put to the target from the arrows. Like the rest of any arrow and or component it can break. No body I know has made an indestructible arrow yet.
* Are these offered in big box stores?
This requires a shop that is more specialty , namely a Firenock Certified Pro Shop with knowledgeable techs. So it is not likely that you will be able to obtain this in bigger department style store.
* What insert options are there?
For the most part is Stainless and Aluminum, there are Titanium insert options in .204ID shaft and 23 series target. The titanium offer durability without the weight of SS.
R20 Sniper bow with titanium kit, Aero Rest, GAS String and Cables
Titanium hardware..
Titanium hardware on bows, limb bolts, mod screws, rest screws etc..
First noticeable impressions are light weight, all weather hardware, but that is the surface benefits of titanium. Titanium IS a better dampening material for starters then the commonly used steel found is most bows. It will dampen resonant vibration faster in terms of material. Also, Titanium being approx 50-60% less weight or in some example 70%+ regarding hollow titanium bolts also is cancelling resonant vibration, how?, since the weight is no longer there resonance is therefore canceled, vibration is canceled. Thus a bow can have greater efficiency , better retained energy since focus mass weights are removed yet will still have strength. It is a performance upgrade..
Q's & A's
* Will my bow shoot faster?
The hardware may or may not change the speed of the launch cycle. Based on our bow and arrow builds we see slight differences ( higher impact gains ) at distances first noticed between 30-40yrds, 1-2 inch+. Note since chrono reading can be taking with a gn of salt, we focus more on trajectory of the arrow down range. We've tested faster spec bows that were factory set did not out perform slower spec bows than we built when matching arrow weight, Dl and lbs. Also note shooter form and arrow tune all play a part in what happens down range as to weather you are able to achieve small gains and or notice them.
* How much weight will it take off the bow ?
This will differ pending manufacture, bows with lesser hardware you might see 1-2 oz, bows with a lot of hardware, you may see 3oz +.. One of the key spots to lose the weight is in the limb bolts.
* Isn't Titanium brittle?
There are different grades of Titanium, Grade 2 which for example is used for cam screws is more like brass and that grade is used in the event you strip a screw, the screw will likely fail before the cam making the break down less costly.. In the example of the limb bolt, GR 5 is used and is very strong stuff. If you search Grade 5 titanium you'll see references from jet engine parts to it being used on high dollar rifle actions. Gr 5 is commonly used out of the titanium grades cause its the one that is strong but yet can be produced in a cost effective way.
* How come bow manufactures don't use Titanium in their bows?
Actually, Scorpyd who presently builds the fastest production X bow right now installs all titanium fasteners on their x bows. Another company we carry in shop, New Breed does come through with Titanium limb bolts as a standard while PSE recently in the last year or so has been adding titanium to some of their bows like the Carbon Air. There are some who won't or don't, I'm not sure why, cost maybe? When you start upping the cost of an item more worried about sales over performance getting you sales I guess they may have to weight that out a bit.
* How much does it cost?
Depends, on number of componets and design per bow. while some kits may be in the 50-$80 ranges other with upgrades or pending bow type may exceed $160+.. We find that in out bow lines that dont come with Ti Xpedtion and Darton the kits can range from $89-$125ish.. Installs can range from $50-$125 pending the complexity of the bow. If you have a bow and want a kit installed by us, its more cost effective to bring it in during a string and cable replacement.
* Is Titanium worth the cost?
That is an opinion, we have had some shooters who are satisfied with hitting a paper plate at 20 yrds and others that want to zero carbon right on an 11 ring at 60yrds where every 1/16 of an inch greater accuracy potential can mean something. If you're hunting coastal regions high moisture type environments that may be enough reason there after all who wants to spend 1K + on some of these bows to have rusty parts..
Firenock Aero rest.
This rest is a full containment suspension rest. the ceramic industrial grade bearings provide for a near friction-less shot while the rest is made of a combination of aluminium / titanium also it is very light weight therefore also has good vibration dampening characteristics. Above standard Aero rest shown has been over all the shops most popular arrow rest. The rest is offered in micro adjust as well.
Q's & A's
* Is this rest accurate?
It is designed to be. This is the rest we use to do all our testing and have had 3 shot arrow groups at less than 2.5 inches at a distance of 92+ yards. The rest being a full containment rest does take some getting use to especially if you have bad habits.
* Is this rest noisy?
If you have a smooth draw cycle on your bow so you do not chatter the arrow along bearings with choppy draw cycle on a bow it is very quiet. Now ah-days all bows are smooth, right..
* How is the rest in weather conditions?
This rest does not have strings attached to anything to have different stresses do to variations of string tensions being subject to weather variations nor does this rest have a lot of mechanical moving parts to be subject to extreme weather eg. freezing up.
* How does this rest compared to a drop away or fixed blade?
Target shooters will sometimes prefer a fix blade rest to try and maintain arrow control, problem is the control of the fixed blade rest is only on under side of the shaft, when / if the shaft chatters along the rest through launch each time it does that the arrow will be at a control loss and subject to wind and different variations on blade pressure with angel of shot. The Aero rest provides stability on 3 different axis points for control and dampening and the dampening springs are adjustable for finer tuning
The drop away rest, when the arm leaves the shaft control at that point is lost, gravity takes over and first thing your arrow is going to want to do is drop hence M.A.P. ( maximum arrow peak ) is likely to be less, meaning impact will not be equal at M.A.P., in that case the Aero rest hold postsion through the shot cycle even after the arrow passes through the static / zero point. Also, not many will consider tree stand hunting vs practicing on the ground with a drop away. Change of angel with a drop away could leave the arrow subject to different pressures from string through the shot cycle eg. the arrow could be less efficient / accurate do to down pressures from nock travel thus the Aero rest will maintain same position with arrow on any shot angel unless extreme vertical up or down shot to where the arrow is free floating is in rest weightless eg shooting straight up at the sky. In that case the Firenock Aero rest is very forgiving and more ideal for greater accuracy potential.
In short what the barrel is to the bullet, the Aero Rest is to the arrow..
* How does it dampen?
The ball bearings are resting on springs inside the ball bearing housing that is also adjustable in tension. As the arrow leaves the bow the rest will help clean up / dampen some of the errors of what may be occurring during launch cycle of bow..
Spine indexing / locating dominate bend.
Get on any kind of archery tech form and you will run across " spine indexing " as some refer to it as, but you will rarely hear mention of what spine needs to be located. That is where we use Firenock PAPS ( Professional Arrow Preparation System ). This is a vital part in determine where the actual first dynamic bend is or the natural bending point of the shaft since there can be more than 1 spine bending point. We apply weighted pressure to the shaft rotating it to picking which bend to mark for cock vane of arrow. If you look close at our builds on the other pages you will notice a mark just in front of the cock vane, on every arrow / bolt. This helps big in launch predictability eg all your arrows will leave the the bow with the natural bending point facing the same way every time. This is greater consistency and makes our custom builds that more attractive on the price end since we can build a solid dozen with little to no culling of the shafts..
Spine location can be more critical in cross bow
For cross bows this becomes more critical since a rail is now involved. The spine location mark on weaker side always faces downward with cock vane in rail. What this does is during launch cycle the bolt's natural bend can cause the bolt to flex up ward off the rail or minimize pressure as apposed to if the bend was unknown and happened to be reverse the flex would apply pressure downward on the rail causing more pressures adding friction, adding more resonance into the shaft causing over all performance loss.. For better performance spine location can be significant not just in terms of "grouping arrows " , but better overall arrow dynamics potentially increasing the capability of arrow flight..
The dominant bend is important and spine stiffness can be critical as we want the shaft to react ( bend ) during launch of the bow.
Q's & A's
* My bolts all group spine indexing, but I don't see any performance gains?
Consistency within a group of bolts is accuracy , which imo is a performance gain. It is also a money saver to you having a good batch of arrows. That being said, POI, KE are factors weighed in and may be more noticeable at other extended distances.. Also when you factor in broad heads that have more components the significance of what happens from the shaft having more extreme contact with the rails can become more amplified.
* Wouldn't you want the bolt to be stiffer despite of it being spine indexed?
Yes and no.. We want the bolt to react ( flex ) to take pressures off the rail and/or be able to predict better where the bending point is and have the same being point place in the same location with every bolt, that is what gives the consistency of it.. A stiff bolt is good as long as it can react as one with the shaft, owner of Firenock Dorge Huang has designed a Concept system for that ( see top of page for concept system detail ) .. This enables the shaft to be stiff yet still respond and broaden the null point of the shaft.
Ti Broad Band Limb Suppression
Firenock Limb Saver titanium Broad Bands
Limb Saver design with a Firenock Titanium twist. We feel that these broad bands work very well in absorbing shock on the busy end of the limb. The Broad Band also helps clamp down on the limb to help sync split limb systems. We have watched reaction of these products in high speed video up to 1,500 frames per second and we were pleased to see how they work. This a a very inexpensive add on at only $25.00 from us here at Vital Limits.
Q’s & A’s
* Will I lose speed?
It is possible, maybe 1-3 fps pending on your set if there is a speed loss. However we believe that the benefit of the the dampening out weighs the loss of speed. Less shock is more control.
* Where is the best place to put them on the limb?
Closer to the cam the better. When you add weight to the front you’re just adding weight for resonance to occur in hence why we favor Titanium Limb bolt to help eliminate that aspect ( resonant vibration. Make sure the cam is able to clear broad band.
* Does it matter which side of the limb they are on?
For the most part, no.. Some bows that have crank handles and quiver in the way we put the broad bands on the outside of limb with screw inside of riser of bow. This may differ.. Again make sure you have clearance..
Vital Limits Edition GAS String & Cables