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Self installers, for whomever purchase an Aero Rest from us we do our best to provide tech support over the phone in helping you get it set up. For some because this may be difficult to set up properly and for that we recommend shipping the bow to us to have the rest installed.
Firenock Aero rest, a suspension rest that can dampen the arrow through the shot cycle of the bow while maintaining a form of control with very little contact with about friction-less ceramic bearings which can have torque reduction capabilities..
The rest is also ideal in more diverse weather conditions being less prone to mechanical failures and tuning changes off of varying pressures such as cables being connected to other moving parts of the bow which can cause accuracy issues for the shooter when they depend on it the most.
R20 with full Titanium kit, Firenock Aero Rest with Broadband dampeners and in the MONSTER X line, The BADASS X bolt with GR5 Titanium Dagger.
Firenock Cross bow Aero rest for Ravin Cross bows, coming soon! MSRP Retail is $149.95. $156.00 Shipped alone TYD Anywhere in the lower US48 States. Sales tax may apply if necessary.
Vertical Aero Rest shown with Firenock 22 series 300 spine target shaft. This is the Standard Aero Rest which retails for $89.95 ,$8.00 Flat rate shipping anywhere in lower US48 states for this rest.. Sales tax may apply if necessary.
Standard Aero Rest with hollow wind bar option for reduced weight.
Standard Aero Rest featured on a New Breed Blade.
Aero Rest Micro adjust on New Breed Blade in Target red with dual hollow GR5 Titanium rest bolts..