Scorpyd Crossbow Shooters
Prices are subject to change as well as sales tax may apply where the law requires.
For assistance if needed or to place contact
We also have in shop installation options available
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Aero Crank AD with Stock
Aero Crank Handle shown with quick release
Aero Crank AD
Aero Crank AD with Standard Handle and black Stock option
$559.95 TYD Anywhere in the lower US48 states
Add $44.95 for quick release handle mount installed.
Aero Crank Standard Handle only $69.95
Shipping $9.80 TYD Anywhere in lower US48
Quick release bracket
Extendable handle
Quick release bracket only
$9.80 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
Extendable Handle only
$9.80 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
Folding Picatinny Grip with titanium hardware
$9.80 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
Standard handle
Scorpyd Death Stalker Picatinny Rail
Trigger guard for Scorpyd model bow.
Picatinny Rail for 2016-18 Scorypd Crossbows (excluding DeathStalker)
Scorpyd Death Stalker Picatinny Rail
$12.00 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
Trigger Guard for 2016-2020 Scorpyd Model Bow
$9.80 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
Picatinny Rail for 2016-18 Scorypd Crossbows (excluding DeathStalker)
$59.95 $12.00 Shipping TYD anywhere in lower US48 States.
( Shipping fees will be waved with combination of a Trigger guard and Picatinny rail. )
Custom Strings for Death Stalker model, V- Tech, Aculues, Nemesis, Ventilator,
$100 TYD Anywhere in the lower US48 States.
Option Add $10.00 For String Lube.
We not only spec the string and cables out for your bow, but we also spec the center serving out for your nock type to ensure proper fit.
For a standard string and cable replacement on Scorpyd models listed is an Additional $60.00
For Arrows please see one of our other pages on this site, MONSTER X build line or Nimitz X build line.
I offer a variety of build options for high performance crossbow shooters.
For Optics please see “ Optics Page “ on Vital Limits Website